Introducing the newest educational offering from Austin Opera – Opera Brain Break! These short videos combine favorite opera clips from previous productions and Live from Indy Terrace episodes with quick activities that encourage taking a mental breather.

Austin Opera’s Director of Education, Debra Erck, developed the Opera Brain Break idea after hearing about the unique challenges for children (and parents) facing large periods of time working indoors due to the pandemic. She found they were looking for enriching activities that would refresh and refocus children in-between school assignments, at the end of a lunch break, or whenever curiosities arose.

A screenshot taken from “T is for Tenor”

“With so many kids – and adults – doing their jobs and schoolwork at home, sometimes you just need to ‘shake the sillies’ out,” says Debra. “For example, in our first video, ‘T is for Tenor,’ you’re prompted to jump up every time René Barbera sings a high C in his aria from our 2017 production of Daughter of the Regiment. If you remember this aria, you know there are a lot of high Cs!”

Additional Opera Brain Break videos are in the works; each one introducing an arts-centered idea, beautiful singing, and an accompanying activity encouraging movement, creativity, or mindfulness. The videos are perfect for ages 3-8, or as Debra points out, anyone who is “young at heart.”